Caselli di Controllo del Sale
Via Salara Statale
48015 Cervia
Telefon +39 0544 979253
E-mail unitaeventi@comunecervia.it

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Zabudowania, Zabytkowe budynki, Pomnik, Muzeum

Caselli di Controllo del Sale

Caselli di Controllo del Sale Caselli di Controllo del Sale

They were the control stations of the salt pans, both on the production and on the trade of the precious white gold, which in addition to being a commodity of primary importance for the preservation of food, was a high-value trade commodity. Smuggling was widespread within the salt pans, so much so that those in charge were often attacked by bandits and thieves. In the past there were 13 "toll booths", located around the perimeter of the salt basins. Of the 13 original toll booths, 5 remain: the Ravenna toll booth, visible from the Adriatica state road; the Madonna del Pino toll booth, near the Sanctuary of the same name; the Cesena toll booth, in Villa Inferno; the Devil's toll booth, south of the Saline Visitor Center; the Bova toll booth (near the Visitor Centre), where the water pump is also located, to control the water level.

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