Parco Archeologico Cervia
Via Madonna della Neve
48015 Cervia
Téléphone +39 0544 979253

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Parco Archeologico Cervia

Parco Archeologico Cervia Parco Archeologico Cervia

The Municipality of Cervia, together with the University of Bologna, Department of History, Culture, Civilization, the Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape and the Civiltà Salinara Cultural Group, has started an archaeological investigation on the traces of Cervia Vecchia and the ancient Ficocle for the development of an archaeological park that can link the cultural heritage scattered in various points of the city and mark the traces of our history in an even more profound way. During the first year (2019), the University of Bologna carried out an initial surface investigation campaign in which archaeological finds were collected and several sites identified, ten of which were completely unknown previously, including the Cervia Vecchia area and the Prato della Rosa area located in the center of the salt pan. The following years allowed further discoveries and visible studies thanks to the organization of Open Days in the area where it was possible to see the trenches still open. The Archaeological Park project continues further.

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