Antico Stabilimento Termale
Via Salara
48015 Cervia
Téléphone +39 0544 979253

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Antico Stabilimento Termale

Antico Stabilimento Termale Antico Stabilimento Termale

It was the salt workers themselves, who worked for many months immersed in the water and mud of the salt pans, who realized the properties of the black mud, which soothed their wounds and pain. In 1930, a small temporary outdoor plant was built inside the salt pans, today recognizable only by the old delimitation columns. The structure consisted of 240 large pools dug into the clay entirely outdoors, where people could immerse themselves to take mud baths which then dried under the sun. The ancient baths were divided into two departments, for men and for women; furthermore there were changing cabins with sunbeds, bar service and ticket office. The plant, managed by the CRAL delle Saline, was closed at the end of the 1950s to make room for the new spa building located on the outskirts of Milano Marittima, inaugurated in 1959, where mud and water from the salt pans.

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