From Cervia to Sant’Apollinare by bike

Da Cervia a Sant'Apollinare in bicicletta Da Cervia a Sant'Apollinare in bicicletta

Cervia - Ravenna, Sant'Apollinare in Classe

  • KM: 40, tra andata e ritorno
  • FONDO STRADALE: asfalto, sentieri, piste ciclabili, terra battuta
  • BICI CONSIGLIATE: mountain bike, trekking bike, gravel, e-bike

    Si organizzano tour guidati per gruppi min. di 7 persone
Today we would like to present an easy 40 km round trip route which is suitable for everyone.

A route which begins in the fragrant, shady pine forest in Cervia and Milano Marittima, and continues towards lakes Ortazzo and Ortazzino which are next to each other, one freshwater, the other saltwater, at the estuary of the Bevano river.

This is a place where you can watch the local wildlife, including swans, herons, coots, ducks, and flamingoes. The tour continues through Classe pine forest and ends at the Basilica of Sant’Apollinare, a UNESCO World Heritage Site listed for its incredible mosaics.

A ride that is steeped in history, tradition and nature which really is suitable for all. 

Da Cervia a Sant'Apollinare in bicicletta Da Cervia a Sant'Apollinare in bicicletta
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