Birdwatching in the Po Delta Regional Park

Birdwatching a Cervia | © Patrizio Alberti Birdwatching a Cervia | © Patrizio Alberti
The Romagna region of Italy has an extraordinarily varied landscape, with a number of reserves and protected areas which are also important migration and nesting locations for many species of birds.
Near Cervia, the Po Delta Regional Park is the ideal destination for birdwatchers. With little strips of land and huge expanses of water, this unique landscape is fascinating and, if you are lucky, you will get to see some of the magnificent animals.


In the Cervia salt pans alone, the southern gateway to the Po Delta Regional Park, there are nearly one hundred species of birds that thrive in this perfect environment for nesting, feeding and resting. The most common ones are wading birds such as black-winged stilts and avocets, but you can also spot little egrets, great egrets and grey herons, as well as ducks including mallards, shelducks and shovelers.

The most highly anticipated visitor is the flamingo, although many of them now live permanently in the Po Delta Regional Park.

You can see a lot of flamingoes in the salt pans around Cervia and the wetlands near Comacchio! Join an organised tour with an expert guide and a pair of binoculars to help you spot and identify many of the species of bird that live and visit this region. You can explore the area on foot, by bike, or in a canoe or an electric boat. 

Do not miss the “Flamingo Bike Ride” organised by the Museo NatuRa di Sant’Alberto, in the wetlands near Comacchio.
Accompanied by guides from Atlantide, you can ride through the beautiful landscape in search of flocks of flamingoes!

Birdwatching a Cervia | © Carlo - Circolo Birdwatching a Cervia | © Carlo - Circolo
Birdwatching in the Po Delta Regional Park Birdwatching in the Po Delta Regional Park
Birdwatching a Cervia | © Circolo Cervia Birdwatching a Cervia | © Circolo Cervia
Birdwatching a Cervia | © Davide Forti Birdwatching a Cervia | © Davide Forti
Birdwatching a Cervia | © Dany Fontana Birdwatching a Cervia | © Dany Fontana
Birdwatching a Cervia | © Gruppo Fotografico Cervese Birdwatching a Cervia | © Gruppo Fotografico Cervese
Birdwatching a Cervia | © Mirko Baldoni Birdwatching a Cervia | © Mirko Baldoni
Birdwatching Cervia | © Archivio Cervia Birdwatching Cervia | © Archivio Cervia
Birdwatching a Cervia | © Patrizio Alberti Birdwatching a Cervia | © Patrizio Alberti
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