How to plan your wedding

To begin with, you need to request the “pubblicazioni di matrimoni”, a public notice similar to the banns of marriage in the UK which is published in a public online register, by appearing in person at the Italian registry office (ufficio di stato civile).
The process can be initiated by just one of the couple, it is only later when both people need to be present to sign the “verbale di pubblicazione” (record of publication).
The wedding can be held a minimum of four days after publication; after this period the registry office will issue the “nulla osta” (certificate of no impediment) which you can either pass to the priest or use to set the date of a civil ceremony, bearing in mind that in both cases the wedding must be held no later than 180 days from publication.
What do you need for the marriage notice? A valid ID document and an Italian tax stamp known as a “marca da bollo” which costs €16.
If you are under 18 years old, you will also require permission from the court for minors; foreigners will require a certificate of no impediment from the relevant foreign authorities; for a religious ceremony which is also recognised for legal purposes, you will need to request the “publicazione di matrimonio” from the priest.
If you are under 18 years old, you will also require permission from the court for minors; foreigners will require a certificate of no impediment from the relevant foreign authorities; for a religious ceremony which is also recognised for legal purposes, you will need to request the “publicazione di matrimonio” from the priest.