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Cervia e Tagliata

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15 - 26. Oktober 2024
Cervia, Tagliata

80. Jahrestag der Befreiung von Cervia

Rievocazione Liberazione di Cervia in Piazza Garibaldi Rievocazione Liberazione di Cervia in Piazza Garibaldi
Rievocazione Liberazione di Cervia in Piazza Garibaldi Rievocazione Liberazione di Cervia in Piazza Garibaldi
Rievocazione Liberazione di Cervia in Piazza Garibaldi Rievocazione Liberazione di Cervia in Piazza Garibaldi

A Cervia un programma ricco di iniziative per ricordare l'80° anniversario della Liberazione della città (22 ottobre 1944-22 ottobre 2024).

Tanti eventi per ricordare e riaffermare insieme i valori di libertà e pace. 

Domenica 20 ottobre in Piazza Garibaldi, dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 15.00, si terrà il momento clou delle celebrazioni: la grande rievocazione storico didattica della “Liberazione di Cervia” con veicoli e mezzi risalenti alla seconda guerra mondiale ed equipaggi d’epoca a cura dell’Associazione “Gotica Romagna”. 



Tuesday 15 October

  • 1.30 p.m. - Meeting in the courtyard of the ‘G. Deledda’ School, via Pinarella
    ‘Cycling tour with laying of laurel wreaths at the Cervia War Memorial, Pinarella’ with the participation of pupils from the “G. Deledda” primary school.
    Organised by the ‘Aquilotti’ cycling group.
    In the event of rain, it will be postponed to 17 October. 

Wednesday 16 October

  • 6 p.m. - Municipal Palace Council Hall
    Opening of the 80th Celebrations with ANPI National President Gianfranco Pagliarulo
    The Mayor of Cervia Mattia Missiroli and the President of ANPI Ravenna Renzo Savini will be present.

  • 9 p.m. - Cinema Sarti
    ‘Italian Victory 1944-1945’.
    Screening and presentation of original films shot by allied cameramen during the liberation of Cervia and Emilia-Romagna.
    Organised by the Associazione Senio river 1944-1945. ANPI National President Gianfranco Pagliarulo will be present.

Saturday 19 October 

  • 8.30 a.m.
    Laying of wreaths on memorial stones in the Cervia area

  • 4.00 p.m. - Sala Rubicone
    Opening of the collective exhibition ‘The Day of a New Dawn’ by Paolo Ancarani, Onorio Bravi, Giampiero Maldini, Luciano Medri.
    The exhibition will remain open until 30 October every day from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.  

  • 4.00 pm - Cervia Canal Harbour in the area of the old lighthouse
    Demonstration of 2nd World War amphibious vehicles with water ride in the canal port

  • 6 p.m. - Piazza Garibaldi
    Concert ‘Cervia Libera’. Opening DJ Set RAS Coma.
    Guest speakers with testimonies and various musicians.

  • 8.00 p.m. - Piazza Garibaldi
    Concert by the band ‘Afreak 

  • 10.00 p.m. - Piazza Garibaldi

 Sunday 20 October

  • 7.00 am - 9.00 am - ‘La Casina’ Parco Gemelli Tagliata di Cervia
    Meeting of the Romagna Gothic Column
    with breakfast offered by Proloco Riviera dei Pini

  • 10.00 am - Piazza Garibaldi
    Gotica Romagna: Historical and educational re-enactment of the ‘Liberation of Cervia’ with vehicles and vehicles dating back to World War II and period crews.
    The Liberators' entry into Cervia.

  • 10 a.m. - Piazza Garibaldi
    Concert by the ‘City of Cervia’ band

  • 10.30 am - Piazza Garibaldi
    Departure of the procession to lay wreaths at the tombstones in the historic centre

Tuesday 22nd October

  • 9.00 p.m. - Municipal Theatre ‘Walter Chiari
    Theatrical performance ‘Actions, thoughts and words of extraordinary women: from Maria Goia to Elide Cenacchi, from early 20th century antifascism to the Partisan Liberation Struggle’ by and directed by Michele Zizzari, music by Stefano Fariselli.
    Organised by the Menocchio Cultural Association. 

Wednesday, 23 October

  • 4 p.m. - Maria Gioia Municipal Library
    Presentation of the book ‘Ora e sempre. Stories of the Resistance’ by Guido Ceroni.
    The author talks with historian and essayist Miro Gori.

Saturday 26 October

  • 2.30 p.m. - Piazza Garibaldi meeting point
    ‘A ride among friends among the military defence works left behind in Cervia by the Germans’.
    Organised by the ‘Aquilotti’ cycling group. 


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