Villa Carlotta
Viale A. Gramsci, 4
48015 Milano Marittima
Telefon +39 0544 979253
Telefon komórkowy +39 0544 992616
E-mail unitaeventi@comunecervia.it

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Zabudowania, Zabytkowe budynki, Secesyjne wille

Villa Carlotta

Villa Carlotta Villa Carlotta

Villa Carlotta, built in 1914, was one of the first villas included in the project of the Milano Marittima company. Towards the end of the 1920s, it was sold to Giovanni Brugnoli, then custodian of the Milano Marittima company and committed to safeguarding the pine forest. It retains the skeleton of the original structure, but is still perfectly recognisable, modified several times over the years, today it is the Bar Ottocento.

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