Oratorio San Lorenzo
Via Castiglione, 44
48015 Castiglione di Cervia
Telefon +39 347 2171735

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Oratorio San Lorenzo

Oratorio San Lorenzo Oratorio San Lorenzo

It is part of the Palazzo Guazzi complex, of which it constitutes the left wing. The right wing, demolished after the Second World War, served as a carriage house and stable. The two lateral parts were built by Camillo Morigia from Ravenna in 1794 under commission from the Guazzi family, while the actual palace already existed, the owners were the Montanari counts. In 1790 Giovan Battista Montanari decided to bequeath the building to his nephew, Antonio Guazzi. The oratory has a sober and linear façade aimed at completing one of the wings of the building. The interior is entirely in neoclassical style punctuated by a series of columns that support the vault, the apse connects the upper part of the church with the palace by means of a circular ambulatory.

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