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30 marca - 4 maja 2025


Raboj Raboj

Raboj, the outdoor market of antiques, crafts and art works returns to Villanova di Bagnacavallo on 30th March and 4th May. 

Rabòj is a local dialect term that once indicated the waste from the processing of marsh grass, an activity that characterized our village, Villanova, until the 1960s and which today finds its main testimony in the Ecomuseum.

Within this focus on waste, its reuse and recovery, the exhibition market is based on “nothing is thrown away”, as it invites exchange and sustainable purchases, creating a virtuous cycle that gives new life to things.

Find out the programme in detail

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Wakacje zaczynają się, gdy zaczynasz o nich marzyć i je planować. Znajdź odpowiednie miejsce dla siebie. Moje restauracje rozbudzą Twoją ciekawość.
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