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Magazzini del Sale. Torre San Michele, Piazza Garibaldi

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7 - 15 czerwca 2025

Romagna Festival

Romagna Festival Romagna Festival

From 7 to 15 June 2025, the Festival dellla Romagna returns to Cervia with many events and initiatives in the area dedicated to the traditions and culture of Romagna.

A rich programme of musical and dance evenings, shows, dance courses, workshops, exhibitions, and local crafts to breathe in the festive and welcoming air typical of this land. 

Program 2024
Saturday 15 June

Tower Salt Warehouse 
8.00 p.m. 
Inauguration of Festival della Romagna 2024
Presentation of the book ‘Sagre in Romagna’ by Massimiliano Falerni and Luigi Angelini

Magazzino del Sale Torre
8.30 p.m. 
Musical entertainment I Trapozal 
Singers and musicians from the Circolo Pescatori La Pantofla

Tower Salt Warehouse
9.30 p.m.
Music and poetry performance with Massimo Marchetti and Laura Landi

San Michele Tower
9.30 p.m. 
The Proloco Sant'Agata Feltria presents
The International White Truffle Fair
Meeting-tasting and stalls

Piazza Garibaldi 
9.30 p.m.
The Romagna Festival celebrates 70 years of the song ‘Romagna mia’ by S. Casadei
Orchestra show Gli amici del sole
Guest singer Chiara Valentini
Conductor of the evening Sgabanaza
Romagna Award to Riccarda Casadei 

San Michele Tower
9.00 p.m.
Stories of Romagna amidst families, feuds and lordships

meeting with the writer and psychoanalyst Pierluigi Moressa
moderated by Alessandra Righini

Sunday 16 June

Tower Salt Warehouse
9.00 p.m.
Isabella Marinelli
, Body Casting Artist
Site-specific artistic performance

Tower Salt Warehouse
9.30 p.m.
Guided tour of painter Giovanni Marchini's exhibition
conducted by Alessandra Righini, art historian

Piazza Garibaldi
9.30 p.m.
Betty Miranda
Summary of previous nights
Podcast dedicated to fun on the Romagna Riviera
Guests Elio Pari and Pietro Caruso
Moderator Massimiliano Maestri
DJ Manfri
Romagna Award to Betty Miranda
Monday 17 June

San Michele Tower 
9.00 p.m.
Waiting for the Tour de France
Pantani and cycling in Romagna. An eternal passion
Meeting with Davide Cassani
Moderator Pietro Caruso
Romagna Award to Davide Cassani 
Pro Loco di Brisighella presents 
The Oil of Brisighella
tasting stand

Piazza Garibaldi 
9.30 p.m.
From the dance hall to the dancing and the night club
Characters and anecdotes from the Riviera of times gone
by Gastone Guerrini, double bass, voice and narration
Eugenio Fantini,
Jacopo Valpiani,
Tuesday 18 June

San Michele Tower
9 p.m.
Presentation of the book ‘Do you speak Dialet rumagnol?’ by Giorgio Magnani
moderated by Paola Ariosi

San Michele Tower
9.00 p.m.
The Proloco di Casola Valsenio presents
The spring float festival, Notte Viola, The Herb Garden, ancient botanical park
stand and tasting of special herbal teas

Tower Salt Warehouse
9.30 p.m.
Guided tour of the exhibition of the painter Giovanni Marchini
led by art historian Alessandra Righini

Piazzetta Pisacane
9.30 p.m.
Meeting Scottish Dance! Reel, jig and ceilidh dance
Scotland meets Romagna
organised by the dance society Circolo di Romagna APS
Wednesday 19 June

San Michele Tower
9 p.m.
Presentation of the book I mangiari dell'infanzia
Introduced by Renato Lombardi, with the author Graziano Pozzetto, attended by Cesare Brusi
Romagna Award to the Famiglia Zangheri Photographic Archive of Cesena
Thursday 20 June

San Michele Tower
9.00 p.m.
Meeting Salina di Cervia: What prospects for 2024 after the devastating flood of 2023
introduced by Renato Lombardi
speakers: Giuseppe Pomicetti, President of the Cervia Saltpan Park and Oscar Turroni, President of the Saltpan Civilisation Cultural Group
Romagna Award to Giancarlo Mazzucca

Piazza Garibaldi
9.30 p.m.
Evening dedicated to folk ballroom dancing with the Mirko Gramellini Orchestra
Friday 21 June

Tower Salt Warehouse
6.30 p.m.
Presentation of the book Mani cervello e cuore. History of the Sartini Shipyard
Speaker: the author Giovanni Sartini
Moderator: Paola Aloisi

Tower Salt Warehouse 
9.30 p.m.
Guided tour of the exhibition of the painter Giovanni Marchini
conducted by Alessandra Righini art historian

San Michele Tower
9 p.m.
Presentation of the book Le stanze dei giardini segreti by Nevio Casadio
Moderator: Pietro Caruso Romagna
Romagna Award to Nevio Casadio 

Piazza Garibaldi
9.30 p.m.
Evening dedicated to folk ballroom dancing Entertainment Orchestra Patrizia Ceccarelli
Saturday 22 June

Tower Salt Warehouse
9.00 p.m.
Music and poetry performance
with Massimo Marchetti and Laura Landi

San Michele Tower
9.00 p.m.
Franco master of art and life...
in memory of Franco Mescolini
the story by Barbara Abbondanza, actress
and Alessandro Pieri, actor
moderated by Pietro Caruso

Piazza Garibaldi
9.30 p.m.
A band friend of Romagna
Concert by the Iseo town band
in collaboration with the music bands of Ravenna and Cervia
Evening dedicated to the flooding in Romagna
Host Mauro Ferrara the voice of Romagna
Tower Salt Warehouse
6.30 p.m. to 11.30 p.m.
Art and Symbols of Everyday Life Giovanni Marchini (1877-1947)

Photography Exhibition
Romagna Mia Secondo Casadei
organised by Edizioni Casadei Sonora Romagna

Exhibition of Romagna rust prints
Hemp a history of Romagna
organised by the Pascucci historical print shop - Gambettola

Photographic exhibition
Taken from Carnival 2024
organised by Associazione Gambettola Eventi - Municipality of Gambettola

Painting exhibition
Carnival in a painting...
works from the national competition organised by the Gambettola Eventi Association

History of borders. An educational experience on the history of Tuscan Romagna.
Texts by Oscar Bandini Municipality of Santa Sofia - Liceo Artistico Musicale A. Canova Forlì

Creative Freedom. Liceo Artistico Musicale A. Canova of Forlì, curated by Nicolò Pizzigati

Retrospective dedicated to the sculptor Tito Neri (1913 - 2007)

Painting - music - poetry
Massimo Marchetti - Laura Landi 

Isabella Marinelli body positivity sculptor presents Libera di essere

Inne wydarzenia

21 grudnia 2024 - 25 kwietnia 2025 / Cervia

Cervia Rediscovered from Ficocle to Cervia Vecchia

Exhibition on the excavations and archaeological investigations of Cervia Vecchia at MUSA

5 stycznia - 27 kwietnia 2025 / Cervia

A Spass par Zirvia

The event to discover Cervia and get lost among the stalls

24 stycznia - 11 kwietnia 2025 / Cervia

Venerdì Culturali Casa Delle Aie

11 lutego - 15 kwietnia 2025 / Cervia

Aperitivo Con Autore

23 lutego - 13 kwietnia 2025 / Cervia

Let's play at the museum

Workshops for children at MUSA - Salt Museum

27 lutego - 19 marca 2025 / Cervia

Le Notti Dieta Mediterranea

5 marca - 11 kwietnia 2025 / Cervia

Straordinariamente Libera Di

9 - 23 marca 2025 / Cervia

Mostra Figurativo Segreto

9 marca 2025 / Cervia

Spettacolo Al Caravel

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