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Biuro Informacji Turystycznej Cervia
In w budynku Torre San Michele
Ulica Evangelisti nr 4
448015 Cervia (Ra) 
+39 0544 72 424

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14 lipca - 25 sierpnia 2025

Urban Literary Trekking in Cervia

Urban Literary Trekking in Cervia Urban Literary Trekking in Cervia
Urban Literary Trekking in Cervia Urban Literary Trekking in Cervia
Urban Literary Trekking in Cervia Urban Literary Trekking in Cervia
Urban Literary Trekking in Cervia Urban Literary Trekking in Cervia
Urban Literary Trekking in Cervia Urban Literary Trekking in Cervia
5 KM in the streets of the centre dedicated to literature.
Poets, authors and honorary citizens who have made the history of Cervia: Grazia Deledda, Tonino Guerra, Giovannino Guareschi, Mario Luzi, Giuseppe Ungaretti, Mario Nava.

Only in Italian.

Monday 14 July 2025
Monday 4-25 August

9.00 p.m.

Asphalted, flat route suitable for everyone with a minimum predisposition to walking.
The tour takes place when the minimum number of 10 participants is reached.
Children up to 10 years of age free.

Meeting point (10 min before the start time):
San Michele Tower
via Evangelisti, 4
48015 Cervia RA


Safe Tours
  • Booking and online purchase of guided tours is strongly recommended.
  • We recommend that you arrive at the meeting point 15 minutes in advance.
  • If you have booked for a date or time when you can no longer participate, you can contact the Tourist Information Office of Cervia to change your booking on +39 0544 974400 or by e-mail info@discovercervia.com every day


A walk in the culture and literature of Cervia

Miejsce spotkania

Meeting Point:
IAT Cervia
San Michele Tower
Via Evangelisti, 4, 48015 Cervia (RA)

Powiązane treści

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