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Biuro Informacji Turystycznej Cervia
In w budynku Torre San Michele
Ulica Evangelisti nr 4
448015 Cervia (Ra) 
+39 0544 72 424

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8 lutego - 31 grudnia 2025

Ticket - Domus dei Tappeti di Pietra Ravenna

Ticket - Domus dei Tappeti di Pietra Ravenna Ticket - Domus dei Tappeti di Pietra Ravenna

The Domus, discovered in 1993 and inaugurated in 2002 by the President of the Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, was awarded the 2004 Bell'Italia Prize and the 2017 Francovich Prize: it preserves over four hundred square meters of wonderful polychrome mosaics and marbles belonging to an important building complex of the 5th-6th century. A.D.


During the visit it is possible to admire the magnificent mosaic, figurative and polychrome surfaces, created with great technical skill. Particularly noteworthy is the mosaic of the "Dance of the Geniuses of the Seasons", the central part of a large mosaic floor that shows a very rare representation of the Seasons dancing in a circle to the sound of a syringe. Or the mosaic of the "Good Shepherd", portrayed according to the iconographic scheme of Orpheus, which although it does not have all the specific elements of a sacred representation, could still be a figure with Christian cultic connotations. The visit route winds inside the archaeological area via an elevated walkway that runs alongside the rooms of the building complex and from which it is possible to admire the mosaics that decorated the floors up close.

  Every day10 – 18.30

Miejsce spotkania

DOMUS Tappeti di Pietra
Via Gian Battista Barbiani, 16

Powiązane treści

1 lipca - 2 września 2025 / Cervia

Cervia Overview at the Sunset

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