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Biuro Informacji Turystycznej Cervia
In w budynku Torre San Michele
Ulica Evangelisti nr 4
448015 Cervia (Ra) 
+39 0544 72 424

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30 czerwca - 1 września 2025

Salt Architectures - Tour in Cervia!

Salt Architectures - Tour in Cervia! Salt Architectures - Tour in Cervia!
Salt Architectures - Tour in Cervia! Salt Architectures - Tour in Cervia!
Salt Architectures - Tour in Cervia! Salt Architectures - Tour in Cervia!
Salt Architectures - Tour in Cervia! Salt Architectures - Tour in Cervia!
Salt Architectures - Tour in Cervia! Salt Architectures - Tour in Cervia!

City tour from the salt warehouses to the historic city centre to discover the history of the factory town.
Charm, a bit of mystery and legends introduce the dominant theme: the architecture of salt.

Why is Cervia shaped like a quadrilateral? How did the salt workers live? How was the salt stored?
Cervia has a thousand secrets and this excursion is an opportunity to discover them all.

Visit in Italian only.
The excursion will be held once the minimum number of participants has been reached.
  • Monday 30 June
  • Monday 21 July
  • Monday 11 August
  • Monday 1 September - special salt festival                                                                                                                             

Szczegóły trasy

  • San Michele Tower
  • Salt Warehouses
  • Officine del Sale
  • Darsena del Sale
  • Cervia historic centre


Cervia: Journey inside the city of salt

Miejsce spotkania

Torre San Michele - Cervia

Powiązane treści

1 lipca - 2 września 2025 / Cervia

Cervia Overview at the Sunset

Sunset becomes an opportunity for a suggestive guided tour of Cervia from the panoramic room of the San Michele Tower, located in the historic cent...

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