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Biuro Informacji Turystycznej Cervia
In w budynku Torre San Michele
Ulica Evangelisti nr 4
448015 Cervia (Ra) 
+39 0544 72 424

Poproś o informacje

2 marca - 9 listopada 2025

Safari - Ticket

Safari - Ticket Safari - Ticket
Safari - Ticket Safari - Ticket

The Ravenna Safari, Mirabilandia location, is a wildlife park that allows you to see more than 1,000 animals of over 100 different species including wild animals up close and without barriers, as you could never do in a normal biopark.

Szczegóły trasy

Discover the Safari area aboard your car or choose the Park train or our electric cars. during the 4 km long route, you will be able to admire the animals moving in total freedom...And don't forget the pedestrian area!!!


The route is the classic one on board your own vehicle (car/camper/coach) or the adventurous one with our electric toy car or, again, the educational one with our little train (paid services to be asked at the cash desk when purchasing tickets and available throughout the day with a minimum request of 10 people until seats are exhausted. The departure times are established by the ticket offices based on the daily turnout.), to add the emotion of knowledge and contact: thanks to highly trained guides you will be able to learn the secrets of animals and enter into relationships with the tamer species, creating an emotional relationship with them.

10.00am-15.00pm Last entry. Park closes at 17.00pm

Miejsce spotkania

Via Dei Tre Lati, 2X
Savio di Ravenna - Ravenna (RA)

Powiązane treści

1 lipca - 2 września 2025 / Cervia

Cervia Overview at the Sunset

Sunset becomes an opportunity for a suggestive guided tour of Cervia from the panoramic room of the San Michele Tower, located in the historic cent...

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