Cena od:
78 €

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Biuro Informacji Turystycznej Cervia
In w budynku Torre San Michele
Ulica Evangelisti nr 4
448015 Cervia (Ra) 
+39 0544 72 424

Poproś o informacje

7 lutego - 31 grudnia 2025

Piadina Romagnola - Practical Course at Casa Artusi

Piadina Romagnola - Practical Course at Casa Artusi Piadina Romagnola - Practical Course at Casa Artusi

Try your hand at making piadina with tutors from the Mariette Association. Each participant will make 5/6 piadina at the end tasting with Squacquerone DOP and Sangiovese DOC. The course includes a historical introduction, a guided tour and a free handmade apron.


When: Visiting hours on request
  •     € 78.00 per person for 1 to 4 people
  •     € 72.00 per person for groups of 5 to 9 persons

Minimum number: 2 people
Duration: 2 hours

Terms and conditions of sale:
  • Reservation required
  • The activity cannot be guaranteed if participants are late.
  • No refund in case of non-participation


Szczegóły trasy

A section is dedicated to the history of the building that houses the Museum, the former Classe sugar factory, and its recovery: an important monument of industrial archaeology, whose importance in the past remains alive in the memory of the people of Ravenna.


Cervia In
+ 39 0544.72424

Miejsce spotkania

Casa Artusi
Via Andrea Costa, 27 47034 Forlimpopoli (FC)

Powiązane treści

1 lipca - 2 września 2025 / Cervia

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