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66 €

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Biuro Informacji Turystycznej Cervia
In w budynku Torre San Michele
Ulica Evangelisti nr 4
448015 Cervia (Ra) 
+39 0544 72 424

Poproś o informacje

5 maja - 13 grudnia 2025

Cervia Thermal Baths - decontracting massage

Terme di Cervia –  Dekontraktieren-Massage Terme di Cervia – Dekontraktieren-Massage
Cervia Thermal Baths - decontracting massage Cervia Thermal Baths - decontracting massage
Cervia Thermal Baths - decontracting massage Cervia Thermal Baths - decontracting massage
Cervia Thermal Baths - decontracting massage Cervia Thermal Baths - decontracting massage
Cervia Thermal Baths - decontracting massage Cervia Thermal Baths - decontracting massage

Precious moments of well-being at the Terme di Cervia, with the professional decontracting massage
The decontracting massage has the function of improving muscle fibers, releasing accumulated tension to reduce pain and muscle stiffness. The masseur aims to work on specific areas to improve blood circulation and dissolve existing contractures.


Thermal season: from 5 May to 13 december 2025



Cervia In
+ 39 0544.72424

Miejsce spotkania

Terme di Cervia
Via Forlanini, 16
48015 Cervia RA

Powiązane treści

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