Magazzino del Sale TORRE
Viale N. Sauro, 24
48015 Cervia
Téléphone +39 0544 979253

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Bâtiments, Monuments historiques, Monument, Musée

Magazzino del Sale TORRE

Magazzino del Sale TORRE Magazzino del Sale TORRE

Magazzino del Sale Torre – Overlooking the canal port, the Magazzino represents one of the best examples of industrial archeology in the Cervia area. It was built in 1691, by will of the Treasurer of Romagna, Michelangelo Maffei, to ensure the stowage of the salt produced in the salt pans. 80 meters long and 26 meters wide, it could contain up to 130,000 quintals of salt, which from spring until mid-September was loaded onto the burchielle and, across the Canal, was transported to Cervia to be preserved. It currently hosts temporary exhibitions, cultural events and Musa – Salt Museum.

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