Magazzino del Sale DARSENA
Piazzale Salinari, 1
48015 Cervia
Téléphone +39 0544 979253

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Bâtiments, Monuments historiques

Magazzino del Sale DARSENA

Magazzino del Sale DARSENA Magazzino del Sale DARSENA

Darsena Salt Warehouse – Immediately in front of the Torre Warehouse, this second building was built in 1712 to store the salt which had undergone initial cleaning and drying in the Torre Warehouse, and the subsequent weighing and portioning work into bags intended for sale. It could contain up to 100,000 quintals of salt and still shows the walkway of the upper part which has now disappeared in the twin building. Today it houses the "Darsena del Sale", a café, restaurant and spa which, thanks to contemporary furnishings, enhances its eighteenth-century architectural beauty, making it a unique venue.

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