Ex Colonia Marina Varese “Costanzo Ciano”
Viale G. Matteotti, 182
48015 Milano Marittima
Téléphone +39 0544 979253

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Bâtiments, Monuments historiques, Monument

Ex Colonia Marina Varese “Costanzo Ciano”

Ex Colonia Marina Varese “Costanzo Ciano” Ex Colonia Marina Varese “Costanzo Ciano”

The Varese colony built in 1938 in the newly built large avenue, in the then bare area of pine trees located between the 19th and 22nd streets. Manufactured by the Cooperativa Muratori of Ravenna with a large contribution of workers from Cervia, based on a project by the architect. Loreti of Rome: total cubic capacity mc. 56,400, it cost four million, with a capacity of eight hundred beds, dormitories with light on three sides, ramp stairs. During the war it was used as a Military Hospital and later as a depot for Allied military aircraft. It suffered serious war damage which has not yet been repaired.

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