Ex Colonia Marina Montecatini
Viale G. Matteotti
48015 Milano Marittima
Téléphone +39 0544 979253

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Monuments historiques, Musée

Ex Colonia Marina Montecatini

Ex Colonia Marina Montecatini Ex Colonia Marina Montecatini

The beautiful colony built by the Montecatini group in 1938-39. Noteworthy are the fifty-two meter high tower with ramp stairs (demolished in autumn 1944 by the Germans), the one hundred and twenty-two meter long main body, the various other buildings, the gyms, the chapel, the porticoes, the squares. Designed by the architect. Faludi, winner of the competition announced for the occasion, began working immediately in the summer of 1939, hosting, from 15/6 to 15/9, fifteen hundred young people and more than one hundred service personnel. The property is now owned by State Monopolies.

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