Ecomuseo del Sale e del Mare
Piazza G. Garibaldi, 1
48015 Cervia
Téléphone +39 0544 979206

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Ecomuseo del Sale e del Mare

Ecomuseo del Sale e del Mare Ecomuseo del Sale e del Mare

The Salt and Sea Ecomuseum was born in 2013, with the aim of creating an opportunity for knowledge and valorisation of the territory. It finds its roots in the sea water, in the surrounding nature, in the history of the city, in the care of the salt marshes and pine forests. The Ecomuseum was born as a widespread museum and finds its maximum expression in the beauty of the natural and anthropic landscapes of the Municipality of Cervia. It intends to enhance and protect the cultural identity of its inhabitants through the involvement of the entire community. The Cervia Ecomuseum promotes various projects and events. giving citizens and tourists the opportunity to learn more about the culture of Cervia. Workshops, exhibitions on ancient traditions and relevant Cervia characters, days dedicated to remembrance and the creation of alliances with other cities are held.

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