Casa delle Aie
Via A. Ascione, 4
48015 Cervia
Téléphone +39 0544 979253

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Monuments historiques

Casa delle Aie

Casa delle Aie Casa delle Aie

Born as a pine nut production centre, it is today a renowned restaurant serving typical Romagna cuisine. The House is an imposing two-storey farmhouse dating back to the end of the 1700s. The first attestation dates back to 1777 and was designed by the master Girolamo Rossi. It was then rebuilt, after a fire in 1789, by the Ravenna architect Camillo Morigia. The name of the house derives from the courtyards in front and behind the structure called "aie", where the processing of pine cones from the surrounding pine forest and the preparation of pine nuts took place. At the beginning of the twentieth century, with the great environmental changes of the time, such as the construction of the railway and the consequent reduction of the pine forest, the Casa delle Aie was slowly abandoned and rented by the Municipality to private individuals. In the mid-1950s it was granted to the Friends of Art Association, a cultural club created with the aim of preserving the traditions of Cervia and Romagna, which renovated it.

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