Antica Pescheria
Piazza C. Pisacane, 3
48015 Cervia
Téléphone +39 0544 979253

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Bâtiments, Monuments historiques

Antica Pescheria

Antica Pescheria Antica Pescheria

Located inside Piazza Pisacane, better known as the "little square of herbs" given its function as an exchange and market of fruit and vegetables. The construction of the fish market dates back to 1790 on the orders of Cardinal Colonna, designed by the Ravenna architect Antonio Farini. In the 1920s the façade was restored, in which the city's coat of arms was placed. For centuries the structure hosted the sale of fish, an activity that took place until 1992. Today it houses a café which contributes to making the place one of the most evocative corners of the city.

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