Sant'Antonio da Padova
Viale G. di Vittorio, 6
48015 Cervia
Téléphone +39 0544 970104
Téléphone mobile +39 335 292174

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Sant'Antonio da Padova

Sant'Antonio da Padova Sant'Antonio da Padova

The Franciscan church of the Minor Observants, built with the adjoining convent partly using the stones recovered from the demolition of the Carmelite Convent of the Madonna del Pino, when the friars had to leave their headquarters in the Old City. The church has a plan with a single longitudinal nave of limited dimensions, even more visually reduced by two recesses positioned symmetrically in the central part. With a facade attributable to classical architectural elements, such as column, entablature and pediment, developed in the subsequent neoclassical period, a 20 m high bell tower was later added to the church. Near the entrance, the many votive offerings testify to the devotion of the people of Cervia and holidaymakers towards the church, which in the past was frequented by the poorest classes of the city: fishermen, sailors and salt workers.

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