MUSA Museo del Sale
Viale N. Sauro, 24
48015 Cervia
Téléphone +39 0544 977592
Téléphone mobile +39 0544 979302

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MUSA Museo del Sale

MUSA Museo del Sale MUSA Museo del Sale

MUSA, Cervia's salt museum, was born from the passion and desire not to lose a very important cultural heritage for the city and the city. It is Agostino Finchi, a former salt worker, who in the second half of the 1980s worked together with a group of enthusiasts to recover materials linked to the history of the Cervia salt pan such as tools, documents, and everything that could testify to the historical path of the salt civilization of Cervia. With the material collected, towards the end of the 1980s a permanent exhibition was set up inside the salt warehouses, which testifies to the activity of the salt workers and life in the salt pan. In 1989 the group of enthusiasts formed a cultural association and the Gruppo Culturale Civiltà Salinara was born which has worked and still works to bear witness to a relatively recent past whose memory is still alive in the memory of the citizens of Cervia.

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