Magazzino del Sale

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29 mars - 14 avril 2025

Grano Salis

Grano Salis Grano Salis

Margherita Levo Rosenberg returns to exhibit her work in the Emilia Romagna Region after several years, and for the first time in CerviaExternal link.

The exhibition unfolds in an itinerary of her latest works, in which the artist investigates the expressive potential of different materials, almost always recycled elements such as coloured plastics, acetates, X-ray films, books, magazines, advertising material and natural materials, exploiting the nuances of their intrinsic meaning.

In the exhibition, visitors will be able to admire, among others, the works of the installation ‘Pensieri d'acqua e di Fango’ (Thoughts of Water and Mud), created using a flooded projection cloth recovered during the Genoa floods of 1992. 
The proceeds from these works will be donated to the Traversara in Fiore Association to help the people affected by the devastating flood in 2024.

Admission to the exhibition is free.

For info and further informationExternal link

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