Marialaura Cipollaro
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II

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27 - 30 mars 2025

Festa della Segavecchia

Festa della Segavecchia Festa della Segavecchia

The centuries-old Segavecchia festival, among the historical Carnivals recognised by the Emilia-Romagna Region, returns to CotignolaExternal link, a few kilometers from Ravenna, from 27th to 30th March 2025, with float parades and papier-mache masks, period costumes, flag-wavers, typical gastronomy and a lot of folk traditions.

The unmissable and culminating moment is that of the burning at the stake of a puppet representing an old witch, accompanied by the flight of a doll, to welcome spring and say goodbye to winter. 

A very heartfelt festival that, according to tradition, dates back to the age of Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan and noble family of this town, around 1451.

Find out the programme in detail

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