Agnese Bassi
Largo del Tricolore

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1 - 30 mars 2025

Altri libertini. Solitari, sconfitti, distaccati, ribelli

Altri libertini. Solitari, sconfitti, distaccati, ribelli Altri libertini. Solitari, sconfitti, distaccati, ribelli

The exhibition, which will be held from 1st to 30th March 2025 at the Pescherie della Rocca in Lugo, presents the works of five artists from Romagna who, although coming from different backgrounds, shared a creative force that opposed the conventions and the system of their time.

Gio Urbinati, Vittorio D'Augusta, Claudio Montini, Piero Dosi and Danilo Melandri are the protagonists of this artistic reflection, made up of solitude, irregularity and rebellion. 

Their works, strongly individualistic and characterised by innovative techniques, challenge the social and political order of the 1970s and 1980s, proposing a critical point of view towards a world dominated by consumerism and superficiality.

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