Viale Tritone, 31

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17 - 23 mars 2025

24th edition Cuttlefish Fair in Pinarella

24th edition Cuttlefish Fair in Pinarella 24th edition Cuttlefish Fair in Pinarella

From 17 to 23 March, the Sagra della Seppia (Cuttlefish Festival), the traditional opening festival of the spring season, returns to Pinarella di Cervia.

The protagonist is seafood cuisine with traditional dishes full of aromas and flavours. From Monday to Sunday, the food stand is open every evening, and at the weekend, on Saturday and Sunday, also at lunchtime.
The evenings will be enlivened by music, dancing and entertainment.

At the weekend, Via Tritone will also host "St Joseph's Fair" with shows, musical interludes and the traditional market.

Info and further detailsExternal link

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