Marialaura Cipollaro
Piazza dei Martiri
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10 - 18 mai 2025

Palio della Contesa Estense

Palio della Contesa Estense Palio della Contesa Estense

From 10th to 18th May 2025, Lugo, in the province of Ravenna, will celebrate the historical reenactment of the transit of Borso d'Este, in 1471, in the town, while on his way to Rome to receive the imprimatur of Duke of Ferrara. 

The festival, which involves various locations in the city's historic center including the scenic Pavaglione and Rocca Estense, hosts various performances including the palio of musicians, flag-wavers and historical parades and engaging historical reenactments. 
Nine days dedicated to flag games, musicians, various performances and dining options at 4 different restaurants inside the Pavaglione.

Find out the programme in detail

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