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10 mai - 22 juin 2025

Le figlie di Icaro

Le figlie di Icaro Le figlie di Icaro

From 10th May to 22nd June 2025, the Palazzo Cassa di Risparmio della Fondazione del Monte in LugoExternal link, nella provincia di Ravenna, will host the exhibition “LE FIGLIE DI ICARO". 

From Raymonde De la Roche to Samantha Cristoforetti, from Amelia Earhart to Bessie Coleman, from Rosina Ferrario to Aloisa Guarini Matteucci...

The exhibition traces more than a century of history through the faces and stories of fifty female aviators, acrobats, and astronauts, among pioneering, war and contemporaneity.

For the programme in detail, see the website

Première étape

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