Piazza Garibaldi

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28 mai - 30 septembre 2025

Cervia Città Giardino

Cervia Città Giardino Cervia Città Giardino

Cervia Garden City, founded in 1972 with the name Maggio in Fiore (May in Bloom), has always had the aim of safeguarding and enhancing greenery and nature.

Now in its 53rd edition, it is considered one of the most important events dedicated to green architecture and every year CerviaExternal link, Milano MarittimaExternal link, PinarellaExternal link and TagliataExternal link are unique flowering locations for their beauty, hospitality and care for greenery.

The event is possible thanks to the participation and collaboration of numerous national and international delegations from different countries and regions of Italy and Europe. Cervia is transformed into an explosion of colours and scents thanks to the commitment of teams of gardeners, architects and green masters.

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