Tarif plein: € 28 (over 18 years old)
Tarif réduit: € 20 (11-14 years); € 8 (6-10 years, people with disabilities)
Gratuit: Children under 6 years old

Piazza San Francesco
Téléphone + 39 0545 482838

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21 février - 30 juillet 2025

Tessere di Mosaico - Guided tour

Tessere di Mosaico - Guided tour Tessere di Mosaico - Guided tour

The eternal beauty of the mosaics inside some of the most famous Ravenna UNESCO monuments is the core of this guided tour.

The itinerary (duration: about 3h) starts from Piazza San Francesco and leads you to some of the most famous Unesco World Heritage monuments of Ravenna: the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare NuovoExternal link, the Mausoleum of Galla PlacidiaExternal link, the Basilica of San VitaleExternal link, and the Neonian BaptisteryExternal link

At the end of the tour, the guide will lead you to the entrance of the Archiepiscopal MuseumExternal link, so that you can visit the museum and St. Andrew ChapelExternal link independently.

The tour departs every day: for more information, check the CalendarExternal link

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