Caterina Polcari
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30 avril - 4 mai 2025

Cattolica in fiore - Cattolica in bloom

Cattolica in fiore - Cattolica in bloom Cattolica in fiore - Cattolica in bloom

In Cattolica from April 30th to May 14th, this traditional flower and ornamental plant show will cover over four thousand square metres and will host about a hundred growers from all over Italy, shows and entertainment, whilst the “Not Only Flowers” market is, for all intents and purposes, a flea market with a variety of products and articles on sale.

CattolicaExternal link, the Queen of the Adriatic, will be enveloped in the heady scent of flowers and the delightful colours of plants that will greet the summer season and welcome all those who wish to add a new treasure to their garden or balcony or simply to spend a pleasant weekend in this resort town.

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