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24 avril - 4 mai 2025

Artevento Fest 2025 - 45th International Kite Festival in Pinarella

Artevento Fest 2025 - 45th International Kite Festival in Pinarella Artevento Fest 2025 - 45th International Kite Festival in Pinarella

24th April to 4th May, as is the tradition, this great fair, which celebrates the relationship between the town of CerviaExternal link and the colourful world of fantastic kites, will come back to the Romagna Coast once again this year.

On the programme are displays of artistic, ethnic, historical and giant kites, acrobatic flight displays to the rhythm of music, multidisciplinary performances, exhibitions and educational workshops.

Eleven days of events for the most complete and longest-running art kite festival in the world, which returns with an edition full of novelties to celebrate its 45th anniversary. 

Info and further detailsExternal link

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