Lieu de l’événement:
Adriatic Golf Club Cervia
Via Jelenia Gora, 6 - Milano Marittima

Adriatic Golf Club Cervia
Téléphone +39 0544 992786
Site internet Site internet

Plus d’infos

8 - 12 avril 2025
Milano Marittima

8° IItalian Senior+60 Ladies Men Championship

8° IItalian Senior+60 Ladies Men Championship 8° IItalian Senior+60 Ladies Men Championship

All amateurs born before 31 December 1964, registered with their National Federations with a Handicap Index of 20.0 or less reserved for Doubles, and with a Handicap Index of 18.0 or less reserved for Singles, may participate.

Tuesday 8 April
Senior Open Amateur Doubles Championship - Round I

Wednesday 9 April
Senior Open Amateur Championship in doubles - Round 2
Prize-giving and Welcome Cocktail

Thursday 10 April
Senior Open Amateur Championship singles - Round I

Friday 11 April
Senior Open Amateur Championship single - Round II

Saturday 12 April
Senior Open Amateur Championship single - Lap III

Autres événements

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Ice rink

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Adriatic Golf Club Cervia - December Calendar

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Recreational motor walk through the streets of Savio di Cervia

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St Stephen's Trophy

Traditional canoe race between Salina and Pineta

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Second edition of the race inaugurating the spring sports season in Cervia

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Granfondo Via del Sale

The Granfondo Via del Sale opens the season of sport events in Cervia, with routes suitable also for less trained legs and an Expo dedicated to cycling

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9th Adriatic Sea Tournament

Youth Football Easter Tournament

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Artevento Cervia International Kite Festival

Artevento, the International Kite Festival is back to Pinarella beach for the 45th edition

25 - 27 avril 2025 / Cervia

9th Adriatic Sea Tournament

8th amateur youth football tournament

Première étape

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