Caterina Polcari
piazza Ganganelli e vie del centro storico
Santarcangelo di Romagna

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8 - 9 août 2025

Calici Santarcangelo

Calici Santarcangelo Calici Santarcangelo

"Calici Santarcangelo" is an event dedicated to promoting local wines through tastings offered directly by the wineries. 
Hosted throughout the town centre, it involves the entire local food and wine scene, from the famous restaurants of Romagna to the various wine bars, osterias and delicatessens.

After purchasing a glass and 5 coupons, visitors are guided by a map of the city and find the stations of some 50 local producers who will offer tastings of their wines. All this is accompanied by live music at various points in the historic centre.

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