Tarif plein: € 12
Tarif réduit: € 10
Gratuit: for children under the age of 6, accompanying teachers, disabled and accompanying persons, accredited journalists and licensed tourist guides

Caterina Polcari
Viale Milano

Plus d’infos

23 novembre 2024 - 6 avril 2025

Lartigue - Kertész. The great photography of the 20th century

Lartigue - Kertész. The great photography of the 20th century Lartigue - Kertész. The great photography of the 20th century

Riccione's extraordinary cultural season continues at Villa Mussolini with the Italian premiere of two masters of world photography: Jacques Henri Lartigue and André Kertész, one considered the master of the snapshot, the other the great interpreter of more reflective photography.

The extraordinary Riccione exhibition, comprising more than 124 black and white photographs, brings together the most famous images of two of the greatest masters of 20th century photography in a single exhibition.

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