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70 €

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Fondazione Cervia In per il Turismo
Torre San Michele
Via Evangelisti n. 4
48015 Cervia (Ra)
+39 0544 72 424

Plus d’infos

5 mai - 13 décembre 2025

Cervia Thermal Baths - Perfumed scrub massage

Cervia Thermal Baths - Perfumed scrub massage Cervia Thermal Baths - Perfumed scrub massage
Cervia Thermal Baths - Perfumed scrub massage Cervia Thermal Baths - Perfumed scrub massage
Cervia Thermal Baths - Perfumed scrub massage Cervia Thermal Baths - Perfumed scrub massage
Cervia Thermal Baths - Perfumed scrub massage Cervia Thermal Baths - Perfumed scrub massage
Cervia Thermal Baths - Perfumed scrub massage Cervia Thermal Baths - Perfumed scrub massage

Precious moments of well-being at the Terme di Cervia, with the professional scrub massage.
Purifying and hydrating with a passion fruit or pomegranate scented butter scrub, with a delicately exfoliating, nourishing and antioxidant action, followed by an ozonized bath in a thermal water tub. The skin is smooth, soft and naturally scented.



Thermal season: from 5 May to 13 december 2025

Temps forts

Cervia In
+ 39 0544.72424

Point de rencontre

Terme di Cervia
Via Forlanini, 16
48015 Cervia RA

Contenus associés

1 juillet - 2 septembre 2025 / Cervia

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Première étape

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