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Fondazione Cervia In per il Turismo
Torre San Michele
Via Evangelisti n. 4
48015 Cervia (Ra)
+39 0544 72 424

Plus d’infos

26 juin - 4 septembre 2025

Aperitif with the Fishermen

Aperitivo con i Pescatori Aperitivo con i Pescatori
Aperitif with the Fishermen Aperitif with the Fishermen
Aperitif with the Fishermen Aperitif with the Fishermen
Aperitif with the Fishermen Aperitif with the Fishermen
Aperitif with the Fishermen Aperitif with the Fishermen

A magical walk through Borgomarina, the historic fishing village of Cervia, to discover the history and traditions of sailors through the stories of men and women who lived in close contact with the sea.

After a brief introduction of a historical nature on the seafaring of Cervia, the walk will continue along the canal port where you can admire the fishing village, with its typical terraced houses and lighthouse dating back to 1875. After visiting the fishermen's monument next to the fish market, the traditional fishing techniques will be illustrated.
The initiative will continue with a visit to the Fishermen's Club, the former home of the wholesale fish market, which is now a meeting place and a place for the preservation of maritime traditions; here you can see some testimonies such as photos, objects and ceramic reproductions of traditional sails whose colors and designs were once possible to recognize the captains and crews.

The walk will end with an aperitif with the fishermen cheered by music and songs that flow spontaneously with wine and excellent fish. The protagonist will be the group of singers of the Fishermen's Club, the "Trapozal".

Visit ONLY in Italian.
Every Thursday from 24th June to 4th September at 5.00 pm


Adults euro 9,00
Children up to 12 years euro 5,00

Meeting point (15 min before the start time):
San Michele Tower
via Evangelisti, 4
48015 Cervia RA


Détail itinéraire

The walk starts from the San Michele Tower (Via Evangelisti, 4 - Cervia), continues along the Borgomarina (way of canal port of Cervia) to the lighthouse, and ends with an aperitif at the Fishermen's Club "La Pantofla".

Temps forts

A unique opportunity to learn about the maritime traditions of the city of Cervia

Point de rencontre

Meeting Point:
IAT Cervia
San Michele Tower
Via Evangelisti, 4, 48015 Cervia (RA)

Contenus associés

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