Sant'Antonio Abate
Piazza Tre Martiri,24
48015 Castiglione di Cervia
Telephone +39 0544 952004

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Sant'Antonio Abate

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Founded before the 19th century, it was rebuilt in 1902 following a fire in 1875. The exterior is in neoclassical style, the facade of the church is marked by pilasters to separate it into three modules; the two lateral ones are narrower and offer placement in completely bare niches. The entire width of the building is adorned with a triangular-shaped pediment. Inside, the nave is unique, considerably illuminated by the six lunette windows on each side and marked by exposed brick pilasters. There are two chapels with altars in the meridian part: one dedicated to the Virgin and the other to St. Joseph with Child. Finally, the statue of Santo Antonio Abate is placed in the niche of the apse the bell tower, where a large circular opening stands out, is in exposed brick with the top rising with a domed terminal.

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