Ondina e Milazzo
CIN: IT039007A1OXL4Z9T6
Viale Milazzo, 122
48015 Cervia
Telephone +39 0544 977201
Mobile phone +39 338 2887387
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Ondina e Milazzo

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Hotel Ondina Milazzo Cervia Hotel Ondina Milazzo Cervia
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Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
junior suite milazzo junior suite milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
Ondina e Milazzo Ondina e Milazzo
colazione vista da sopra min colazione vista da sopra min
esterno fra ombrelloni-min esterno fra ombrelloni-min
piatto di spaghi-min piatto di spaghi-min
colazione salta min colazione salta min
The hotel of my heart, near the center of Cervia and the sea. From my balcony I follow the slow lapping of the waves that in the morning, delicately stretch out on the sand, the sun still low on the sea gilds the beach that is there, so close that I even seem to hear it. We go down for breakfast and are greeted by the sweet scent of homemade cakes, croissants, fried eggs and espresso coffee. Then, finally, we go to the beach, clean, soft and so close to the hotel that it doesn't even seem real, after so many months in the city!! We sprawl out blissfully on the sun loungers, the children play joyfully, the kids hit the ball with energy in a game of padel, the grandparents discuss the point on the bowling green.

But it's already time for lunch. Let's be light today! We return to the hotel where we are welcomed by an abundant and succulent guitar on the rock: sublime. Afternoon dedicated to well-being, today I take the bus, there is a stop 20 meters away and in 10 minutes I am at the Terme di Cervia: fantastic. Since I returned early, I relax with an intriguing aperitif that they prepared for us at the hotel: divine. We change and go down to dinner: 4 menus to choose from, a glass of my favorite wine and it's already the evening. I ask for bicycles and in a few moments we are in the center of Cervia, there is a beautiful market, an entire city that is reflected in its sea, another 5 minutes and we are in the center of Milano Marittima seeing wonderful shop windows. Let's go back. A chat in the hotel to end the evening. We go up to our comfortable room to end this beautiful day of vacation in the hotel of my heart. Because "our mission is to let you experience your holiday with a smile and simplicity in the warmth of tradition"

Main services

Accessible for disabled people
Internal restaurant
Next to the beach

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